NiMH Battery Voltage Chart CategoriesGeneral RC, Knowledge of battery, NiMHPosted on August 9, 2022August 29, 20220 comments on NiMH Battery Voltage Chart Are you unfamiliar with RC NiMH batteries on the market? Then you've come to the right place. This article pro…
Best Batteries for MINI-Z CategoriesBuying Guide, General RC, NiMH, ReviewsPosted on June 16, 20220 comments on Best Batteries for MINI-Z Kyosho Mini-Z car is one of the most popular types of RC cars on the market. They are known for their small si…
Best Battery for Tamiya Mini 4wd CategoriesBuying Guide, Knowledge of battery, NiMHPosted on June 11, 2022March 18, 20250 comments on Best Battery for Tamiya Mini 4wd The battery is the power source of the Mini 4wd, which cannot be ignored and has a significant impact on the r…
The correct use of NiMH rechargeable batteries CategoriesNiMHPosted on October 23, 2020June 13, 20220 comments on The correct use of NiMH rechargeable batteries First, let’s take a brief look at NiMH batteries 1.Memory effect of NiMH battery NiMH batteries have the sam…
Main features of NiMH battery CategoriesNiMHPosted on September 30, 2020June 13, 20220 comments on Main features of NiMH battery What is a Ni-MH battery? The basic concept of the NiMH battery system began in the 1970s as a means of discov…
How to use Ni-MH rechargeable batteries correctly CategoriesHow To, Knowledge of battery, NiMHPosted on September 25, 2020June 13, 20220 comments on How to use Ni-MH rechargeable batteries correctly First, let’s take a brief look at Ni-MH batteries 1.Memory effect of Ni-MH battery NiMH batteries have the s…
What are the applications of Ni-MH batteries CategoriesNiMHPosted on August 22, 2020December 15, 20210 comments on What are the applications of Ni-MH batteries Ni-MH batteries took the lead in industrialization in Japan, the United States, Germany and other countries. E…